What are my Choices?
There are not many choices where wind turbines are concerned. They are either on a vertical axis or a horizontal axis. On the Sierra Nevada where the strong winds blow, the wind power design for turbines are horizontal. Those huge structures with rotating blades generate a whole lot of electricity, believe me.
For your private home, though, the better wind power design is the vertical windmill. That is where the turbine is high on a tall tower located 15 feet above the ground. A radius of 300 feet around the base of the tower is clear of objects that might cause turbulence.
Why is a vertical turbine better for your home than a sleeping, horizontal one? Easy question. The vertical windmill does not get slapped around by high winds. It faces the same direction regardless of which way the wind blows. This orientation is particularly important if you are in a blustery place with frequent shifts in the wind direction.
The generator in a vertical wind power design is close to the ground. That makes it easier for you to access it when it requires some routine maintenance. You can also set up a vertical windmill faster and more cheaply than a horizontal wind power design.
Ups and Downs of Wind Power Designs
The downside to the vertical wind turbine is that it is noisy. You probably have to place it far away from your main residence if you want to get any sleep at night. That means you have got to have lots of land. An acre or more, at least. It might rule out your small lawn with the rose bushes. Another bothersome thing is that any vibration along the vertical axis tends to affect the wind power. The structure can seem a bit rickety if it is banged on pretty hard.
On the other hand, the horizontal wind power design is not affected by hard knocks on its axis. But the wind direction affects the efficiency of the horizontal turbine big time. It needs to re-orientate itself to the new wind direction every time there is a change in the way the wind blows. That cuts down its ability to generate electricity reliably. Without a steady wind, the horizontal wind power design does not function as well as the vertical wind turbine.
The blades of vertical and horizontal design spin at different rates. The vertical wind turbine rotates at a lower velocity compared to the horizontal blades. There is also a much narrower space for the blades to cover in a vertically designed wind turbine. That spells good news for nature lovers because birds do not get caught and sliced in two by the blades of a vertical wind power design. However, horizontal turbine blades are known to be merciless to birds. You will find plenty of feathers around the base of the turbine to prove my point.
Cut Costs Down
Are you fired up to cut down on your utility bills and let the fierce winds light up your home? If the answer is yes, and I suspect that it is, just make the best decision now and visit my site! You will get the upside on wind power design from an expert!