Our Neighborhood on Wednesday

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Intelligencer requests briefs be submitted at least 10 days prior to the desired publication date. Due to the volume of community-submitted briefs, the content may be published within 10 days of submission. Holidays and weather forecasts may impact some events. The Intelligencer cannot guarantee that submission will be published.

MCHS Archival Library Research Manager. The event is free and open to the public.

Wednesday, June 8

The Celia & Little Celia Show

1-2 p.m. at Edwardsville Public Library. For ages 4 and up. Get ready to rock, Celia’s Sing Along Dance Party takes an unexpected turn when Little Celia shows up with her hilarious show-stopping antics.

Teen Hangout at the library 

4-6 p.m. at the Glen Carbon Library. Join the library every Wednesday for a relaxing couple of hours of free time with your friends. Please give the library at least 48-hours’ notice if you need accommodations.

Thursday, June 9

Madison County Genealogical Society

6:30 p.m. in the Community Room of the Edwardsville Library. Joyce Williams will speak about the book she wrote on Glen Carbon. She will also speak on some of the research on her own family. 
Guests are always welcome. 

NAMI Meeting 

7-8:30 p.m via Zoom. The National Alliance on Mental Illness Southwestern Illinois (NAMI SWI) family support meetings may also be in person. To receive the link for a Zoom meeting or address for an in-person meeting contact Pat Rudloff, [email protected]

Chicken Dinner Every Thursday 

4-8 p.m. Dine-in or Carryout at the Edwardsville American Legion Post 199, 58 South State Rt. 157, Edwardsville. Two or four pieces of chicken and vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy and a biscuit. 618-656-9774 

Adult Zumba with Aimee 

6-7 p.m. at Glen Carbon Library. Join the library for an evening workout with their very own Zumba Fitness instructor. Come in comfortable exercise clothing and bring a water bottle. Space is limited. To register call 288-1212, register at the Help Desk or go online to www.glencarbonlibrary.org.

Friday, June 10

Fish Fry Every Friday 

11 a.m.-8 p.m. Dine-in or Carryout at the Edwardsville American Legion Post 199, 58 South State Rt. 157, Edwardsville. Two pieces of cod or one catfish filet and sides. 618-656-9774 

Fish Fry

4:30-8 p.m. at the Edwardsville Moose, 7371 Marine Road, Edwardsville. Dine-in and carryout options. 618-656-5051

Knights of Columbus Fish Fry

4:30-7 p.m. at The Knights of Columbus at Rt. 143, 7132 Marine Road, Edwardsville. For call in orders the phone number is 656-4985. Carryout or inside seating is available. Menu consists of cod, catfish, shrimp and a variety of sides. There is also a children’s menu. 

Friday Movie Matinees 

2 p.m. at the Glen Carbon Library. Grab your favorite movie snacks and go to the Library every Friday to watch your favorite flicks. All films will be rated G or PG. Contact the Library for more information. 

Saturday, June 11

Edwardsville Route 66 Festival

8 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Downtown Edwardsville. The Metro Milers 10K run is at 8 a.m. The festival opens at 10 a.m. with marketplace vendors, a family zone with inflatables, an exhibit from the Edwardsville Children’s Museum, the YMCA, Edwardsville Art Center and face painters. Most non-car activities will take place in City Park. The open mic event is at the bandstand at 11 a.m. and a petting zoo begins at noon. Musical performances include the Matt Taul Group at 2 p.m., The Nudge Band at 4 p.m., Midnight Piano Band at 6:30 p.m., and Dirty Muggs at 9 p.m. A car show starts at 3 p.m. at Cassens’ parking lot and a car cruise will go past City Park around 6 p.m.

Virtual Saturday Morning Yoga

9:30 a.m. at Glen Carbon Library via Zoom. Get fit and healthy when you join the library for an energizing session of yoga. Space is limited. To register call 288-1212, register at the Help Desk or go online to www.glencarbonlibrary.org. 

The Land of Goshen Community Market

8 a.m. – noon at 100 St. Louis St., Edwardsville. Shop for fresh produce, baked goods and crafts from local artisans. For more information visit goshenmarket.org.

Alton Farmers’ & Artisans’ Market

8 a.m. – noon at the corner of Landmarks Boulevard and Henry Street, Alton. Live entertainment, artist demonstrations and other special activities are scheduled every week. Visit the Alton Farmers’ & Artisans’ Market Facebook page for updates. 

World Bird Sanctuary: Fledge Wings 

1 p.m. at the Glen Carbon Library. Young learners will get to meet birds, as well as interact with touchable items like feathers, eggs and more. Youth Entering Grades Pre-K through Grade 2. Drop-in Event.

World Bird Sanctuary: Raptor Awareness 

1 p.m. at the Glen Carbon Library. This program delves into raptors, featuring flying demonstrations to introduce students to the principles of flight. Youth Entering Grade 5+ and Adults. Drop-in Event.

Monday, June 13

Coventry Crafters

6-7:30 p.m. at the Edwardsville Public Library. Enjoy crafts, snacks, and lively conversation. Adult crafters bring portable crafts such as needlework, quilting, scrapbooking knitting, etc.

Bingo Every Monday

7 p.m. at the Edwardsville American Legion Post 199, 58 South State Rt. 157, Edwardsville. Features 21 games including Racehorse, Bonanza, Ed’s Lucky Number, Lightning Round and $500 Cover All. Food and drinks are available.

Teen DIY Kit – Paracord Survival Bracelets

9 a.m. – 8 p.m. at the Edwardsville Public Library. For Grades 6-12. Available through June 18. Become more prepared for unexpected emergency situations by making this useful and versatile cord into a part of your daily fashion. Sign up for the kit and pick it up during library open hours during the week of June 13. Registration Required.

Read with a Dog 

6:30 p.m. at the Glen Carbon Library. Sit with Woody, a licensed therapy dog, and read a story of your choosing. You’ll have 15 minutes to read and pet the therapy dog. 

Lego Days 

10 a.m. at the Glen Carbon Library. Visit the Library to show off your Lego skills. Build and create your own Lego masterpiece to show off at the Library. Youth 4 years and older

Tuesday, June 14

Book Club & Chat 

6:30 p.m. at Glen Carbon Library. Reading “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

Sierra Club Speakers Series: Rookery Reestablishment

6:30-8 p.m. at the Old Bakery Beer Company at 400 Landmarks Blvd., Alton. Also available via Zoom. Speaker Carson McNamara, Natural Resource Specialist with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ Contaminant Assessment Section, will discuss the Natural Resource Damage Assessment process and ongoing restoration efforts in the state. The focus will be on the heron and egret rookery restoration project currently taking place in the Metro East area. To register to attend this event visit https://bit.ly/Program0614 or contact Chris Krusa at 410-490-5024 for more information. 

Cribbage Club 

6 p.m. at the American Legion at 1022 Vandalia Street, Collinsville. Beginners welcome, free to attend. Contact Phil (618) 288-7910 or Susan at (618) 978-1664 for more information. 

Pasta Dinner Every Tuesday 

3-8 p.m. Dine-in or Carryout at the Edwardsville American Legion Post 199, 58 South State Rt. Edwardsville. Pasta of the week served with salad. 618-656-9774 

Southern Illinois PAL 

7-8:30 p.m. via Zoom. For parents and loved ones over the age of 18 who have someone in their life who is struggling with or recovering from substance use. PAL respects anonymity and is free of charge. Contact Craig at 618-567-6095 to receive the link for the Zoom meeting or for questions. More information can be found at www.palgroup.org.

American Legion Post 199 meeting 

6:30 p.m. at the American Legion Post 199 at 58 S. State Rt. 157. All legion members are encouraged to attend the meetings. Non-member visitors are welcome.

Wednesday, June 15

Wings of Wonder with the Butterfly House

1-2 p.m. at Edwardsville Public Library. For ages 4 and up. See the stages of a butterfly’s life up close. Explore metamorphosis, anatomy and butterfly behaviors with hands-on demonstrations.

Lego Club

4-5 p.m. at the Edwardsville Public Library. The library will supply the Legos, just bring your imagination.

Teen Hangout at the library 

4-6 p.m. at the Glen Carbon Library. Join the library every Wednesday for a relaxing couple of hours of free time with your friends. Please give the library at least 48-hours’ notice if you need accommodations.

Virtual Evening Flow Yoga with Anne 

5:30-6:15 p.m. at Glen Carbon Library via Zoom. A Slow Flow mixed levels practice that will lead you through a series of yoga poses that focus on strengthening, lengthening and stretching. To register call 288-1212, register at the Help Desk or go online to www.glencarbonlibrary.org

Thursday, June 16

Movie Matinee

12 p.m. at the Edwardsville Public Library. 18+. Bring a lunch and the library will provide drinks and popcorn. For movie titles please call the library at 618-692-7556 x 4, or visit our website www.edwarsvillelibrary.org

Basics of Nuclear Medicine

6-7:30 p.m. at the Edwardsville Public Library. Find out how our discovery of radioactivity has become an impressive set of technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of a number of diseases. Presented by Dr. Michael Shaw.

Woodlawn Cemetery Association Meeting

6:30 p.m. at the Woodlawn Cemetery Chapel. Everyone is invited to attend. 

NAMI Meeting 

7-8:30 p.m via Zoom. The National Alliance on Mental Illness Southwestern Illinois (NAMI SWI) family support meetings may also be in person. To receive the link for a Zoom meeting or address for an in-person meeting contact Pat Rudloff, [email protected]

Chicken Dinner Every Thursday 

4-8 p.m. Dine-in or Carryout at the Edwardsville American Legion Post 199, 58 South State Rt. 157, Edwardsville. Two or four pieces of chicken and vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy and a biscuit. 618-656-9774 

Friday, June 17

Glen Carbon Homecoming and 130th Anniversary

5 p.m. at South Main Street in front of Miner Park and the Glen Carbon Centennial Library. 

Railroad Club Open House

4-8 p.m. at the Old Glen Carbon Town Hall/Fire House, 180 Summit Street, Glen Carbon. The Metro East Model Railroad Club is offering two free open house events in conjunction with the Village of Glen Carbon Homecoming events. Come watch the trains running on the club’s 18 x 27 foot HO scale model railroad.  Admission is free.  For more information call Bob at (618) 476-9228 or Bill at (618) 531-1589 or check the web site at www.trainweb.org/memrc.

Fish Fry Every Friday 

11 a.m.-8 p.m. Dine-in or Carryout at the Edwardsville American Legion Post 199, 58 South State Rt. 157, Edwardsville. Two pieces of cod or one catfish filet and sides. 618-656-9774 

Fish Fry
4:30-8 p.m. at the Edwardsville Moose, 7371 Marine Road, Edwardsville. Dine-in and carryout options. 618-656-5051

Knights of Columbus Fish Fry

4:30-7 p.m. at The Knights of Columbus at Rt. 143, 7132 Marine Road, Edwardsville. For call in orders the phone number is 656-4985. Carryout or inside seating is available. Menu consists of cod, catfish, shrimp and a variety of sides. There is also a children’s menu. 

Saturday, June 18

Glen Carbon Homecoming Parade 

5 p.m. on South Main Street in Glen Carbon. The route will end near Karma on Main. 

Railroad Club Open House

4-9 p.m. at the Old Glen Carbon Town Hall/Fire House, 180 Summit Street, Glen Carbon. The Metro East Model Railroad Club is offering two free open house events in conjunction with the Village of Glen Carbon Homecoming events. Come watch the trains running on the club’s 18 x 27 foot HO scale model railroad.  Admission is free.  For more information call Bob at (618) 476-9228 or Bill at (618) 531-1589 or check the web site at www.trainweb.org/memrc.

Glen Carbon Homecoming: Oh My Gosh, Josh! 

6 p.m. at the Glen Carbon Library. Find the library’s table at Glen Carbon’s Homecoming event along Main Street. In addition, see the magician, comedian and acrobatist performance in front of the library. Drop-in Event.

Chair Yoga

10-11 a.m. at the Edwardsville Public Library. 18+. Registered yoga teacher Julie Hamilton will lead these classes using modifications of many common yoga poses that can be done from a seated position. These exercises are perfect for seniors and for others with disabilities or challenges such as chronic illness, pain, or stiffness.

Coloring for Grownups

1-3 p.m. at the Edwardsville Public Library. Join the library for a relaxing and fun afternoon session of coloring. They will provide colored pencils and adult coloring books along with refreshments.

The Land of Goshen Community Market

8 a.m. – noon at 100 St. Louis St., Edwardsville. Shop for fresh produce, baked goods and crafts from local artisans. For more information visit goshenmarket.org. 

Alton Farmers’ & Artisans’ Market

8 a.m. – noon at the corner of Landmarks Boulevard and Henry Street, Alton. Live entertainment, artist demonstrations and other special activities are scheduled every week. Visit the Alton Farmers’ & Artisans’ Market Facebook page for updates. 

Sunday, June 19

Chicken Dinner

11 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Edwardsville Moose Lodge at 7371 Marine Road, Rt. 143. Dinners are $10 for adults and $5 for children 10 and under. Dine-in dinner includes all you can eat chicken as well as mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, green beans, salad, tea and coffee. Carry-out also available for ½ chicken and sides. 656-5056. 

Monday, June 20

Bingo Every Monday

7 p.m. at the Edwardsville American Legion Post 199, 58 South State Rt. 157, Edwardsville. Features 21 games including Racehorse, Bonanza, Ed’s Lucky Number, Lightning Round and $500 Cover All. Food and drinks are available.

Daughters of Isabella O’Reilly Circle 218 Meeting
6:30 p.m. at The Hall, 7132 Marine Road. Those that are interested in more information to join may contact [email protected]

Medicare Q&A with Jon Bergmann 

6-7 p.m. at Glen Carbon Library. Bring your questions on how to register and what is covered when you sign up for Medicare. To register call 288-1212, register at the Help Desk or go online to www.glencarbonlibrary.org. 

Tuesday, June 21

Cribbage Club 

6 p.m. at the American Legion at 1022 Vandalia Street, Collinsville. Beginners welcome, free to attend. Contact Phil (618) 288-7910 or Susan at (618) 978-1664 for more information. 

Pasta Dinner Every Tuesday 

3-8 p.m. Dine-in or Carryout at the Edwardsville American Legion Post 199, 58 South State Rt. Edwardsville. Pasta of the week served with salad. 618-656-9774 

Southern Illinois PAL 

7-8:30 p.m. via Zoom. For parents and loved ones over the age of 18 who have someone in their life who is struggling with or recovering from substance use. PAL respects anonymity and is free of charge. Contact Craig at 618-567-6095 to receive the link for the Zoom meeting or for questions. More information can be found at www.palgroup.org.

Wednesday, June 22

Roxana HCE Meeting

12 p.m. at Rox-Arena in Roxana Park. HCE (formally Home Bureau) meeting. Light lunch is served. Open to the public. For more info contact Vi at 618-803-2795.  

Teen Hangout at the Library 

4-6 p.m. at the Glen Carbon Library. Join the library every Wednesday for a relaxing couple of hours of free time with your friends. Please give the library at least 48-hours’ notice if you need accommodations.

Ongoing Events 


For information call 618-463-2429. For more information, visit SIAFG.org and District-18.org. 

Summer Reading

May 26 – July 31 at the Edwardsville Public Library. Pack up your tent, trail mix and compass because this summer they’re going to “Read Beyond the Beaten Path!” Sign up on your own with the Beanstack app or visit the library to get started.

JewelRide Books for Bikes Reading Challenge

May 26 – July 31 at the Edwardsville Public Library. Read books this summer and you could win a bike. Sign up on your own with the Beanstack app or visit the library to get started.