You may have been avoiding keyword research because you find it confusing.
Or you might just be ignoring keyword research.
Are you confused about it?
Perhaps you do not realize how important it is for getting more traffic to your blog posts.
The more you avoid it, the more you stall in getting your blog published; and ultimately your business started.
And so what do you do?
Well, you either go ahead without doing keyword research – which really is not a good strategy.
Or you buckle down and learn how to do keyword research.
Why do keyword research?
Keywords make writing your posts easier; plus they tell your reader exactly what your post is about; and they help the search engines find and index your post.
Ninety percent of bloggers struggle to get traffic to their sites. Why? They hurry past keyword research which is essential to building an online blogging business.
Research is the foundation, plan, and blueprint of all businesses.
Creating a blog for your business is a great idea. However, in order to make your blog profitable, take the time to understand how keywords help you to plan your blog.
Just as a dressmaker does not cut the fabric and start sewing before laying out the pattern; or a carpenter does not build a house without studying the blueprint.
You cannot create a profitable online business blog without doing keyword research.
Your research helps you to correctly identify your niche market and potential customers.
Start your keyword research with Google’s free Keyword Planner.
You can type in more than one seed keyword or keyword phrase when using the Keyword Planner. So try a variety of two or three word phrases. Target one main keyword per post, and a few variations of that keyword to sprinkle throughout your article.
When doing your keyword research, keep in mind that, although, it may be tempting to choose the phrase that gets over 50,000 hits a month, those will have high competition and will be harder to rank for.
Look for short phrases that are searched less and have less competition. Stick to around 100 searches per day or 3000 per month. You don’t want to go too low because then it may not be worth your time.
You want to find out if your competition is strong or weak. You do not want hundreds of thousands of competing websites; on the other hand, you do need some competition. If there is no competition, then your product is not in demand.
How do you use keywords in your post?
When you have chosen your primary keyword it is important to have it in your title. Also make it a habit to use your keyword in your first sentence, your last sentence, and if possible once in each paragraph. This may not always be possible, and that’s okay. You want your keyword placement to be natural.
Google Keyword Planner is an excellent tool that Google provides to everyone who has a Google account. It was formerly called Google Keyword Tool.
Before writing your next post be sure to use the Keyword Planner to do your keyword research and find targeted keywords to include in your post.